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Rush又稱Poppers 誕生於美國,已經有超過30年的歷史了,全球超過6成的同志均在使用。
(1) 開封使用前(或從冰箱保存取出後),請先靜置15分鐘,讓其香氛狀態穩定。
(2) 使用時將芳香劑放於低溫避光空氣流通處,芳香劑將會慢慢揮發,使香氣慢慢帶入空氣中而達到除臭效果。
– 請勿直接吸食、吞服本品。
– 請勿直接接觸皮膚及口鼻,如不慎接觸請用大量清水沖洗。
– 本品具有易燃性,請遠離火源。
– 請將本品置於安全處,遠離孩童。
(3) 部分芳香劑可作為皮革清潔劑使用:請以乾布沾取適量的本品,均勻塗在皮革表面上輕擦。
▲How to use
(1) Please stand still for 15 minutes, before opening the fragrance.
(2) Leave bottle exposed to the air out of reach of children.
Pleasant aromas will slowly develop.
– DO NOT inhale direct from bottle
– DO NOT swallow
– Avoid contact with skin
– Highly flammable – keep away from fire and naked flames
– Keep out of reach of children
(3) Some fragrance can also be used as leather cleaner:
Apply appropriate amount on the surface of the leather with a Piece of dried cloth.
-Please test on the unobvious part first before you use.
-Attention: If you use on the genuine leather, it might remove the oil protective layer.
Please follow the directions when using the product purchased from our website.
KRUSH will not be liable for any injury or accidents caused as a result of misusage.